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Macy’s Day Parade: Debby Ryan

Hopefully everyone had a good Thanksgiving! Every family has their own Thanksgiving traditions. Some eat turkey, watch football, some play games, and others watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. My family is no exception. We all come together to eat great food, talk, watch football, and usually we have the parade on. Since I was young, I have always enjoyed watching the giant balloons, the actors and singers, the bands, and all the cheerleaders and dancers.

This year was the 87th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and it featured 30 full-sized floats, 11 marching bands, 900 clowns, and 1,600 cheerleaders and dancers. After the wind calmed down in New York City, the balloons were able to lift off and everyone was ready to roll. With an audience of over 50 million people . . .